Gynecomastia Surgery
Consultations offered at our four convenient locations in Edison, Marlboro, Warren and West Orange, NJ

Achieve a more chiseled, masculine chest with male breast reduction, also known as gynecomastia surgery. Associates in Plastic Surgery offers some of the best results in gynecomastia surgery. See our gynecomastic surgery photo gallery and patient testimonials here.
Our team of seasoned, reputable plastic surgeons serves Edison, Marlboro, West Orange, and Warren, New Jersey.
Men with gynecomastia can feel self-conscious about having enlarged glandular tissue in the breasts. This condition can result from medical conditions like a hormonal imbalance or genetic factors.
Board-certified plastic surgeons, Dr. Haramis and Dr. Heller specialize in surgical procedures for male breast reduction to achieve a more masculine chest contour. A combination of liposuction and laser telescopic surgery can effectively reduce excessive breast size in men associated with gynecomastia.
Before and After Photos
Gynecomastia, the medical term for what is often referred to as “man boobs”, or excess glandular tissue enlarged male breast tissue, is typically due to low testosterone, or an imbalance of estrogen levels and testosterone levels.1 Certain disorders such as hyperthyroidism, hypogonadism, thyroid disease, kidney disease and kidney failure, cirrhosis, and liver disease can be the cause of gynecomastia, as well as health conditions such as obesity, testicular cancer, and certain drugs including anabolic steroids, chemotherapy, anti-androgens (prostate cancer medications), cimetidine (ulcer medication), calcium channel blockers, diazepam (anti-anxiety medication), inhibitor drugs, tricyclic antidepressants, and illicit drugs including amphetamines can also cause gynecomastia.2 Other common causes of gynecomastia include tumors of the pituitary gland, the adrenal glands, or the testes, which can also alter the male-female hormone balance and cause the male breast tissue to swell.3
Surgical treatments for gynecomastia have a range of benefits, including:
- Improved self-confidence
- Go shirtless at the beach, in the gym, or anywhere else
- Get results where dieting and exercise have failed
- A slimmer, more streamlined upper torso
- A more traditionally masculine aesthetic
- Can complement other masculinization procedures for FTM clients
During your gynecomastia surgery, our surgeons apply our pioneering technique under anesthesia, which gives immediate results with minimal downtime due to swelling and a little bruising. Pain is usually minimal. Most male breast reduction patients resume normal activity in 2-3 days.
Our male breast reduction surgery can give a natural result so that no one else can tell surgery was even performed, but you will be thrilled with the great improvement this surgery can bring.

Ideal candidates
The most successful and natural male breast reduction depends upon the trust established between surgeon and patient. During your personal consultation, Dr. Heller and Dr. Haramis will take a complete medical history and give you all the information you need to form realistic expectations for your results during your confidential consultation at our NJ offices. Those who expect perfection rather than improvement may not be a good fit for plastic surgery.
Ideal candidates should be in good health, physically and mentally, and suffer from no significant medical issues such as hypertension, cancer, diabetes, or heart disease. Additionally, patients should be at a healthy weight for their frame, as this procedure is intended to remove fatty tissue associated with weight gain or pseudogynecomastia. Finally, you will need to inform the doctors regarding any medications you are currently taking, as specific prescriptions can have gynecomastia as a side effect.
Gynecomastia surgery is relatively quick and is completed while the patient is under general anesthesia. Our surgeons use a combination of laser telescopic surgery and liposuction to reduce scarring. Using tiny cannulas, the surgeon melts away excess fat with the laser and vacuums the fatty deposits away with liposuction. Laser surgery may not be suitable for every patient.
Depending on the amount of excess breast tissue and sagging excess skin, the surgeon may have to use more invasive techniques to correct the size and shape of the breast. Associates in Plastic Surgery offers some of the best results for male breast reduction. The results are immediate and long-lasting. Normal activities may be resumed in as little as one to two days, but that varies with every patient.
Liposuction can be used in cases where skin elasticity is good, and there is not a significant amount of fat to be removed. During this minimally-invasive form of gynecomastia surgery, one or more tiny incisions are strategically placed on each side of your chest. The three-millimeter incisions allow fat removal using a thin tube or cannula, and the incisions will heal to a small line.
When there is a substantial amount of excess tissue and skin, a larger incision is required to properly trim away the skin. Most often, an incision is made along the bottom edge of the breast tissue. An incision may also be made around the areola if the nipple needs to be repositioned. The incision will heal to a thin line that is concealed in the natural contours of your chest. In some cases, the liposuction and excision techniques can be combined for a better result.
Your recovery time will vary based on the type of incision you had. You will likely have bandages and a compression garment in the initial stages of healing. Our surgeon will provide you with aftercare instructions and tips for your recovery.
Most patients need only a couple of days off of work after gynecomastia surgery. However, you may need to wait five to seven days to resume light exercise and approximately one month or longer before attempting strenuous activities, particularly arm or chest exercises.
You will have several follow-up appointments where our surgeon can monitor your progress, answer any questions, and provide updated aftercare instructions.

If you’re a man living in New Jersey, find out how our gynecomastia surgery can enhance your physique by contacting Associates in Plastic Surgery online or calling 732-548-3200 today.
During your initial session, the doctors will examine you physically, review your medical and surgical records, and begin to formulate a customized plan of action for resolving your unwanted chest tissue and fat. In addition, Dr. Heller and Dr. Haramis will provide access to our before and after library so you can see the impressive results possible with surgery.
APS also provides a range of body sculpting procedures, including liposuction, tummy tuck, arm lift, and thigh lift if you are looking for more comprehensive aesthetic results. Often combining approaches can reduce downtime and costs, so don’t hesitate to discuss your options with our doctors during your consultation.
Where are the incisions placed during gynecomastia surgery?
Each person is different, and our male breast reduction can be customized to minimize visible scarring and provide a natural masculine look. Incision placement will depend largely on your skin’s elasticity and how much fat and tissue is to be removed during the procedure.
Will I have visible scarring?
Though it is difficult not to have some form of visible scarring, our surgeons’ surgical techniques and incision placement will minimize their visibility. Small incisions for the liposuction cannula are made in the chest area but resulting scars are genearlly minimal. Excission scars are often concealed in the natural contours of your chest and will heal into a very thin line. The scar will also fade to your natural skin color over time.
Following all aftercare instructions provided by your surgeon will be vital to your final look. Caring for the incision and avoiding infection or other complications will help your incision heal quickly and go unnoticed.
When is the ideal time for male breast reduction surgery?
To many men, summertime means a return to the gym or the beginning of a diet program to get back in shape and shed excess pounds. But for men who suffer from overdevelopment of their breasts, known as gynecomastia, no amount of dieting or exercise will make a difference, which is why the ideal time to undergo male breast reduction surgery for younger males is in the summer when school is out.
Gynecomastia accounts for 65 percent of all male breast disorders, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Gynecomastia is swelling of the breast tissue in boys or men caused by an imbalance of the hormones estrogen and testosterone. The swelling can occur in one or both breasts, sometimes unevenly.
Typically the best time for teens to undergo the cosmetic surgery procedure is during the summertime, as they are out of school and have optimum time to recover. But for adult males, the best time to have the surgery is when friends or family are available to help during the recovery process.
Newborns and boys going through puberty and older men may develop the condition as a result of normal changes in hormone levels, though it can be caused by heredity or the use of certain drugs. Many terms have been coined for this condition, but no matter what you call it or how funny someone may think it is, it’s no laughing matter for men who suffer from it. To some, gynecomastia is a severe source of low self-esteem and poor body image for men and teens.
Where does gynecomastia surgery take place?
All treatments occur at one of our accredited outpatient facilities in New Jersey. These luxurious medical centers create the perfect atmosphere of comfort, convenience, and discretion while adhering to the same stringent safety protocols as any local hospital. From our welcoming, climate-controlled reception areas to our state-of-the-art surgical suites equipped with the most advanced technology on the market, rest assured that your stay with Associates in Plastic Surgery will be rewarding and relaxing. On hand to assist you around the clock is our team of experienced and friendly RNs, medical assistants, and technicians, all of whom are striving to provide you with outstanding care in a peaceful, immaculate setting.
Is gynecomastia associated with a higher risk of breast cancer?
No, individuals with gynecomastia are not at a higher risk of developing breast cancer.4 However, because both enlarged breast tissue and cancer can cause lumps in the breast, healthcare specialists may order a blood test to check hormone levels or a mammogram to rule breast cancer out and monitor breast tissue changes.5
- Cleveland Clinic. Enlarged Male Breast Tissue (Gynecomastia). Available: Accessed June 30, 2022.
- Johns Hopkins Medicine. Gynecomastia. Available: Accessed June 30, 2022.
- Mayo Clinic. Enlarged breasts in men (gynecomastia). Available: Accessed July 1, 2022.
- Johns Hopkins Medicine. Gynecomastia. Available: Accessed June 30, 2022.
- Cleveland Clinic. Enlarged Male Breast Tissue (Gynecomastia). Available: Accessed June 30, 2022.