Breast Implant Complications
Consultations offered at our four convenient locations in Edison, Marlboro, Warren and West Orange, NJ

Primary breast augmentation surgery should result in natural-looking breasts; however, for many, the results of a primary breast augmentation are less than satisfactory. Surgeons with less real-world experience fail to successfully perform breast augmentation, or complications develop, affecting the appearance of the breasts, leaving you very disappointed, or facing a medical problem. It is important for all breast augmentation patients to understand breast implant complications.
What to know
Various complications can arise after a breast augmentation if it was not performed by a skilled and experienced surgeon. Complications can develop months or even years after breast augmentation surgery. Breast implant technology has advanced in recent years, and those that got breast implants a decade ago or longer could be suffering from uncomfortable, unhealthy, or unsightly complications.
The following signs may indicate that you are dealing with complications that must be resolved with breast revision surgery:
- Hardened breasts
- Rippling
- Implant rupture
- Knots
- Asymmetry
- Tingling
- Swelling
- Infections
- Sagging implants
- Breasts uneven on chest well

Types of complications
Associates in Plastic Surgery are well versed in breast implant complications patients have experienced. The following types of complications can be revised by our skilled breast revision surgeons:
- “Double bubble:” This refers to a post-surgical complication that can result in the breast having two separate mounds. The surgical pocket may have been too large, allowing the implant to drift out of place.
- Symmastia: This occurs when the skin covering the sternum moves away from the chest. This can be the result of poor surgical technique, or implants placed that are too large for the woman’s frame.
- Ruptured implants: When an implant ruptures, the saline or silicone fluid will be released into the implant pocket. This is very noticeable with saline implants, as they deflate, but with silicone, it may result in a “silent rupture,” as the silicone gel does not dissipate like saline. When an implant ruptures, it should be replaced as soon as possible.
- Capsular contracture: Capsular contracture is one of the most common breast augmentation complications. It occurs when the body creates an excessive quantity of scar tissue around the implant, tightening around it. In many cases, both the implant and the scar tissue must be removed to resolve the condition.
- Implant malposition: Implant malposition occurs when the pocket that holds the implant has enough space to allow the implant to the side, center, or down. In such a case, breast revision surgery must be performed to correct the condition and hold the implants in place.
Why choose us
If you are facing breast implant complications, your plastic surgeon should have an extensive history of correcting a wide range of breast implant complications. Every person is different, but in more serious cases, the revision surgery may be more complex than the original augmentation and demand high-level surgical skills.
We provide personalized and comprehensive care. Our professional staff of certified registered nurses will oversee your pre- and post-operative care.
- Our board-certified plastic surgeons at Associates in Plastic Surgery are widely recognized as being among the finest breast surgeons in the region. We specialize in breast surgery and have performed thousands of successful breast surgeries to date.
- With a combined experience of over 50 years, your breast revision will be in the hands of some of the most accomplished breast surgeons practicing in New Jersey.
- We stay ahead of the curve in all the latest technologies, techniques and procedures involving breast revision for the benefit of our patients.

For more information about the multiple applications of this non-invasive facial rejuvenation treatment, please contact Associates in Plastic Surgery online or dial 732-548-3200 to arrange a consultation.