Male Breast Reduction Case #8610

This is a 32 year male who was unhappy with the appearance of his chest. He felt self conscious in places where he had to take his shirt off like the beach. Diet and exercise did not seem to help the problem. Male breast enlargement is usually a combination of excess breast tissue as well as a hormonal stimulation to cause the breast tissue to enlarge.This patient underwent our gynecomastia surgery in NJ in which the breast and fatty tissue were liposuctioned, and then an incision was made under the nipple and additional excess breast tissue was directly excised. The patient did well post operatively with only minor bruising and discomfort for a few days. He was very happy with his result which looks extremely natural.
- Patient #: 8610
- Gender: Male
- Age: 31 - 35
- Procedure: Male Breast Reduction