Rhinoplasty surgery has long been one of the most popular procedures in plastic surgery. The number performed has increased over the last year by fifteen percent. One of many reasons behind the increase is that many women and men are seeking out the “perfect” noses of their favorite celebrity. Recently, one of the most sought after is the Duchess of Cambridge. A straight-edged nose with a button on the end, it suits both sexes, and with its 106-degree nasal tip rotation, it is mathematically almost perfect (noses between 104-108 degrees in their orientation are the most beautiful).
According to a recent article published by the Daily Mail rhinoplasty is not only the most common facial plastic procedure, but it is also the most sophisticated. Every patient has different facial characteristics, and a well-performed rhinoplasty has to not only stand on its own, but also has to be in balance with the rest of the face. According to the article, there are many different kinds of noses that a patient may request.
The Greek nose is very straight and found on models while the Roman nose has a highlighted bridge like Tom Cruise. The Aquiline nose has a classic shape but bigger nostrils like Daniel Radcliff. Any nasal tip may be bulbous, droopy, or upturned (or piggy). The Nubian nose is a long nose with a wide base like Beyonce, and the Hawk nose is sharp and similar to the shape of a beak like Adrien Brody.
“Choosing a specific nose based on a famous person is not really the right to evaluate yourself,” says Dr. Andrew Miller a top nose job surgeon in New Jersey. It is perfectly fine to bring in some photos of noses that you like for consultation, and a highly experienced rhinoplasty surgeon will be able to tell you what is and is not possible based on your anatomy. As long as your expectations are reasonable, a great natural improvement can be obtained.