- 1 General FAQ
- 1.1 I Am 76 Years Old, Can I Get A Facelift?
- 1.2 What Happens When A Browlift Or Facelift Starts To Sag Again?
- 1.3 Is A Neck Lift Needed For Loose Skin?
- 1.4 Is A Threadlift An Alternative To A Full Facelift?
- 1.5 What Brow Lift Options Are Just As Effective As A Face Lift To Get Rid Of Droopy Eyelids?
- 1.6 For How Long Do I Have To Ase A Sunscreen On My Upper Eyelid Surgery Scars?
- 1.7 Is Dermabrasion Effective For Deep Acne Scars?
- 1.8 Cosmetic Chin Surgery – What Are My Options?
- 1.9 Will A Cheeklift Or Filler In The Cheek Improve Eye Hollows?
- 1.10 Where Should A Breast Implant Be Placed?
- 1.11 After Breast Implants Are You Never Again Supposed To Work Out Your Chest Muscles?
- 1.12 What Can I Do Before Having Breast Implant Surgery To Cut The Risks And Complications?
- 1.13 When Can I Start Raising My Arms Over My Head After Breast Augmentation?
- 1.14 How Will Breast Implants Affect Exercise In The Long Run?
- 8.1 Where Should A Breast Implant Be Placed?
- 8.2 After Breast Implants, Are You Never Again Supposed To Work Out Your Chest Muscles?
- 8.3 What Can I Do Before And After Having Breast Implant Surgery To Cut The Risks And Complications?
- 8.4 When Can I Start Raising My Arms Over My Head After Breast Augmentation?
- 8.5 How Will Breast Implants Affect Exercise In The Long Run?
- 11.1 Why Would A Surgeon Not Want To Perform Liposuction With An Arm Lift?
- 11.2 Can I Get An Arm Lift For Wrinkly Arm Skin After Weight Loss?
- 11.3 Do I Need To Lose Weight Before Getting An Armlift?
- 11.4 Will Fat Come Back After Smartlipo?
- 11.5 How Long Do I Need To Wear A Compression Garment After Smartlipo?
- 11.6 Is Liposuction Required For An Arm Lift?
- 11.7 How Can I Eliminate Excess Skin In My Arms?
- 11.8 I Have A Fatty Mons Pubis And I’m Considering Lipo. Are There Sexual Complications To A Procedure Like This?
- 11.9 Heat Or Ice For Liposuction Swelling?
- 11.10 What Can Smartlipo Do For My Arms?
- 11.11 Should I Get Smartlipo For A Second Time On Lower Abs, Or Get A Mini-Tummy Tuck?
- 11.12 How Soon Can I Tan After Liposuction?
- 11.13 What Can Liposuction Do For Fat Above The Pubic Area?
- 18.1 How Soon After Rhinoplasty Can I Try For Pregnancy? I Had My Surgery 2 Weeks Ago Exactly.
- 18.2 What Causes Fluctuations In Swelling After Rhinoplasty?
- 18.3 Rhinoplasty 4 Days Ago – Why Would One Of My Nostrils Be So Much Smaller Than The Other?
- 18.4 Can I Have Oral Sedation For A Rhinoplasty Or Is Anesthesia My Only Option?
- 18.5 Is Swelling 2 Months Post-Op Normal After Rhinoplasty?
- 18.6 Bad Smell After Nose Surgery – Is It An Infection?
- 18.7 Can I Work Outdoors After A Rhinoplasty If I Use Sunscreen?
- 18.8 I Play Violent Sports. Is A Nose Job Right For Me?
- 19.1 Can A Mini Tummy Tuck Remove Saggy Skin Under My Belly Button?
- 19.2 Post-Pregnancy With Lower Abdominal Saggy Skin – Mini Tummy Tuck Or Full Tummy Tuck?
- 19.3 Hello, I Am 34 Years Old, A Mother Of Two Children, Both Delivered With A C-Section. Is A Tummy Tuck Right For Me?
- 19.4 Mini Or Full Tummy Tuck After Pregnancy?
- 19.5 Am I A Good Candidate For A Full Tummy Tuck?
General FAQ
I Am 76 Years Old, Can I Get A Facelift?
A facelift is a surgical procedure that improves signs of aging in the face and neck. It helps correct sagging in face, tightens loose skin, and removes excess fatty tissue under the chin and jaw. A facelift usually lasts anywhere from 5-10 years, depending on how well you take care of yourself. Even though you continue to age, you will always look better than if you didn’t go through the procedure.
Age is not as important when getting a facelift as your health. If you are able to safely undergo anesthesia, then why not feel better about how your face and neck appear? Be sure to discuss your concerns with a board certified facial plastic or plastic surgeon – if you have a lot of wrinkles, you may need laser resurfacing at the same time.
What Happens When A Browlift Or Facelift Starts To Sag Again?
The results of a browlift and facelift typically last 5-10 years. The length of time primarily depends on your overall state of health and how you take care of yourself. If you smoke, are in the sun a lot, and have many weight fluctuations, then the results will not last as long. In general, you should not look “weird” as time goes by.
The primary goal of a good surgeon would be to keep you looking natural. Certain techniques used during a facelift can help you to look natural as aging continues such as a more vertical pull on the tissues as opposed to a posterior pull. Be sure to find a board certified facial plastic or plastic surgeon with a lot of experience in facelifting for the best results.
Is A Neck Lift Needed For Loose Skin?
A neck lift is an excellent procedure that can help correct and enhance the neck, which improves loose saggy skin, and gives a more natural look. Unfortunately, anyone who turns their neck in certain directions or turns the chin in may show some loose skin. If your neckline in the normal position looks good, then you probably won’t benefit from surgery. There is no ideal age for neck surgery, and candidates may range from people in their 20’s to the elderly as long as you are a good candidate. To see if you are qualified for this surgery, you should be sure to speak with a board certified facial plastic or plastic surgeon.
Is A Threadlift An Alternative To A Full Facelift?
A threadlift and a facelift treat separate areas of the face, so one procedure cannot substitute for another. The threadlift focuses more on the cheek area and nasal folds, giving a subtle lift to the midface. A full facelift primarily lifts the sagging skin in the neck and jawline.
A threadlift is a less invasive procedure that only requires a small incision, a local anesthetic, and a short hour to complete. A full facelift is a more detailed, time consuming procedure that is done under general anesthesia. The results are more dramatic and can last up to ten years where a threadlift can give results lasting up to five years.
The recovery time for a threadlift is minimal, about 7 days, with some slight swelling and bruising. A facelift has a recovery time of about 10 days. If you have minimal sagging along the jawline, a mini facelift may work well for you. Consult a board certified facial plastic surgeon to see what would be the best procedure for your needs.
What Brow Lift Options Are Just As Effective As A Face Lift To Get Rid Of Droopy Eyelids?
When evaluating droopy eyelids, it is important to determine if the problem is excess skin up the upper eyelids, or a droopy brow or both. If the problem is simply lines on your forehead, I would suggest BOTOX® Cosmetic to give a smooth appearance. For excess skin on the upper lid, a blepharoplasty would freshen the lids nicely while a browlift would be performed for a droopy brow. They can both be performed at the same time if necessary. BOTOX® can give a little lift of the eyebrows, but the surgery gives a better result. A facelift will do nothing for the brow or upper lids. Be sure to discuss your concerns with a board certified facial plastic or plastic surgeon.
For How Long Do I Have To Ase A Sunscreen On My Upper Eyelid Surgery Scars?
Care is needed with your blepharoplasty incision because it is a very sensitive area. Following a blepharoplasty, sunscreen is very important because the sun can make the incision more red or dark in color, which can take several months to resolve. You should apply it frequently on your upper eyelids for a period of 6 months after surgery.
Is Dermabrasion Effective For Deep Acne Scars?
Dermabrasion for superficial acne scarring can be a very effective method if they are truly surface scars. Other ways to improve acne scarring are by using the Fraxel laser or by excising the scar. The Fraxel laser rejuvenates the skin by stimulating your body’s own collagen forming process. Excising the scar is the other option. The scar is excised and sutures are placed to remove the hole in the skin and replace it with a flat line. Then, dermabrasion can smooth out the line. Consult your plastic surgeon to see which method would be appropriate for your needs.
Cosmetic Chin Surgery – What Are My Options?
Chin augmentation is an excellent way to balance your facial features. It is an easy procedure that can be done under local anesthesia, while a sliding genioplasty is more involved and slightly more risky. The chin implant should only minimally change your front view unless you are trying to lengthen the vertical height of the chin, which the genioplasty can do a little more effectively. Neither procedure should affect your facial motion. Most people simply need more projection and the implant is definitely my preferred procedure for that.
It is normal to have concerns about implants, but infection is rare and they essentially become part of the body after they become encased in collagen. The implant is placed over your existing bone structure of your lower jaw to increase dimensions and will produce an excellent result. If you are still having concerns about the procedure, please speak with your surgeon, and he/she will help you resolve any questions.
Will A Cheeklift Or Filler In The Cheek Improve Eye Hollows?
Fat injection is excellent for hollowing around the eyes. It is very simple to go through under local anesthesia and can be very long lasting. Surgery is often performed in combination with fat injection. A cheeklift can lift the cheek tissues which can also improve the appearance of hollowing and usually works great in combination with fat injection. Be sure to see a board certified facial plastic surgeon for a complete evaluation.
Where Should A Breast Implant Be Placed?
Most body building/athletic women tend to have the implants placed under the muscle. This will make the breasts look more natural, rather than having them look fake and/or unusual. However, sometimes when the implant is placed under the muscle, some irregularities may be seen with movement, so it is important not to go too big. Make sure to choose an experienced board certified plastic surgeon with whom you are comfortable with in order to achieve the best outcome.
After Breast Implants Are You Never Again Supposed To Work Out Your Chest Muscles?
There is no real contraindication to working out after breast augmentation. The main rule of thumb is do not do anything that hurts. Usually, I would advise to gradually work your way into your regular routine starting 6 weeks post surgery. The contraction of the chest muscles can move the implant while you work out, which may look a little odd, but if you are well healed, then no damage should be done. Be sure to discuss your feelings openly which your plastic surgeon to make sure you guys are on the same page.
What Can I Do Before Having Breast Implant Surgery To Cut The Risks And Complications?
When having a breast augmentation research about the surgery is very important so you can better understand what exactly is involved with the procedure. The most important things is to find an experienced board certified plastic surgeon with whom you feel comfortable.
Following all of your surgeon’s instructions is also a key to reducing complications. These include stopping smoking 2 weeks before and after surgery, stopping certain medications like blood thinners, vitamins, and herbal products. Finally, do not over exert yourself when performing daily activities after surgery. If followed correctly these points will give you a lesser chance of experiencing complications.
When Can I Start Raising My Arms Over My Head After Breast Augmentation?
Patients typically wait about 1-2 weeks before lifting their arms above their heads after breast augmentation. The main thing to remember is don’t do anything that is uncomfortable or causing pain.
You should be able to return to work in about 1-2 weeks, but lift your arms slowly at first, and return to normal as you continue to feel no discomfort. Do not lift anything at first, but after one week, you can start lifting light things and progress to heavier things as long as it does not hurt. Some tightness may still be present, but that is normal after surgery. If wearing a sports bra is more comfortable for you then you should wear it until you feel your ready to switch back. Make sure to follow up with your surgeon for his opinion on when to advance your activity.
How Will Breast Implants Affect Exercise In The Long Run?
Following a proper post-op schedule, your exercising should not be affected after breast implants. Certain exercises such as bench press may move the implants in their pocket when the muscle contracts, but this has not been shown to cause contraction. If you choose a large implant then it may be more difficult jogging or performing other weightlifting exercises. If you are a very active person, you may want to avoid a very large size you may be unhappy with the limitations.
How Often Will I Need To Get BOTOX® In Order To Hide My Crow’s Feet?
BOTOX® Cosmetic is an excellent product and commonly used to reduce crows feet lines. Provided the BOTOX® is distributed correctly, it generally lasts about 3-4 months for the first few injections and may become longer lasting to 4-6 months the more you use it.
Be sure you go to someone highly experienced in BOTOX® injections to give the best chance possible of a great result.
I Need More BOTOX® In My Forehead After 6 Weeks. Shouldn’t It Last Longer?
BOTOX® usually lasts about 3-4 months. Even though the administration of the BOTOX® should be the same from office to office, there is definitely some variation in how physicians reconstitute it and how long they keep it on the shelf.
If you are experiencing movement after 6 weeks then you should speak with your physician about your concerns. Sometimes a touch-up can be performed. If it continues to be a problem, then try a different office. Only rarely does a person metabolize the BOTOX® that quickly, but if the same thing happens at another office, that could be the case.
Is BOTOX® Safe To Use In My Face If I’ve Had Bell’s Palsy?
If you have a history of Bell’s Palsy and are thinking of getting BOTOX® injections for wrinkles, you should see a physician with a lot of experience with these injections. Often times, the patient will have excessive wrinkling and muscle movement on the unaffected side, and BOTOX® treats this wonderfully. If an area is drooping it may not actually lift it, but weakening of the stronger side could make you look more symmetrical.
If an area of the affected side is contracting in a spastic manner, BOTOX® could also improve that as well. It is a safe treatment option as BOTOX® Cosmetic has been around for more than 25 years.
Cosmetic Chin Surgery – What Are My Options?
Chin augmentation is an excellent way to balance your facial features. It is an easy procedure that can be done under local anesthesia, while a sliding genioplasty is more involved and slightly more risky.
The chin implant should only minimally change your front view unless you are trying to lengthen the vertical height of the chin, which the genioplasty can do a little more effectively. Neither procedure should affect your facial motion. Most people simply need more projection and the implant is definitely my preferred procedure for that.
It is normal to have concerns about implants, but infection is rare and they essentially become part of the body after they become encased in collagen. The implant is placed over your existing bone structure of your lower jaw to increase dimensions and will produce an excellent result.
I Am 76 Years Old. Can I Get A Facelift?
A facelift is a surgical procedure that improves signs of aging in the face and neck. It helps correct sagging in the face, tightens loose skin, and removes excess fatty tissue under the chin and jaw. A facelift usually lasts anywhere from 5-10 years, depending on how well you take care of yourself. Even though you continue to age, you will always look better than if you didn’t go through the procedure.
Age is not as important when getting a facelift as your health. If you are able to safely undergo anesthesia, then why not feel better about how your face and neck appear? Be sure to discuss your concerns with a board certified facial plastic or plastic surgeon – if you have a lot of wrinkles, you may need laser resurfacing at the same time.
What Happens When A Browlift Or Facelift Starts To Sag Again?
The results of a browlift and facelift typically last 5-10 years. The length of time primarily depends on your overall state of health and how you take care of yourself. If you smoke, are in the sun a lot, and have many weight fluctuations, then the results will not last as long.
In general, you should not look “weird” as time goes by. The primary goal of a good surgeon would be to keep you looking natural. Certain techniques used during a facelift can help you to look natural as aging continues, such as a more vertical pull on the tissues as opposed to a posterior pull. Be sure to find a board certified facial plastic or plastic surgeon with a lot of experience in performing facelifts for the best results.
Is A Neck Lift Needed For Loose Skin?
A neck lift is an excellent procedure that can help correct and enhance the neck, which improves loose, saggy skin and gives a more natural look. Unfortunately, anyone who turns their neck in certain directions or turns the chin in may show some loose skin.
If your neckline in the normal position looks good, then you probably won’t benefit from surgery. There is no ideal age for necklift surgery, and candidates may range from people in their 20’s to the elderly as long as they are a good candidate. To see if you are qualified for this surgery, you should be sure to speak with a board certified facial plastic or plastic surgeon.
Is A Thread Lift An Alternative To A Full Facelift?
A threadlift and a facelift treat separate areas of the face, so one procedure cannot substitute for another. The threadlift focuses more on the cheek area and nasal folds, giving a subtle lift to the midface. A full facelift primarily lifts the sagging skin in the neck and jawline.
A threadlift is a relatively minor procedure that can be done under a local injection in about one hour with a smaller incision. A full facelift is a more detailed, time-consuming procedure that is done under general anesthesia. The results are more dramatic and can last up to 10 years, whereas a threadlift can give results lasting up to five years.
The recovery time for a threadlift is minimal, about seven days, with some slight swelling and bruising. A facelift has a recovery time of about 10 days. If you have minimal sagging along the jawline, a mini facelift may work well for you.
How Does Laser Hair Removal Work?
The laser targets the dark pigment in the hair. The pigment absorbs the laser energy and the heat destroys the hair follicle.
Is The Result Permanent?
Laser Hair Removal is FDA approved for permanent hair reduction. On the average 80% of people get an 80% reduction of the hair. Some people do better than this, and some do not fare as well.
No one can guarantee the results of laser hair removal; otherwise they are misleading you, but most people are extremely satisfied, which is why we perform the procedure regularly. The results are influenced by the skin and hair type.
Who Is The Ideal Candidate?
The best candidate is someone who has light skin and dark hair. This way the laser can be placed on its highest setting and the darker hair will absorb the energy. With darker or tanned skin, the energy has to be lowered, or a different laser should be used, but results can still be excellent.
What Are The Side Effects?
Side effects are extremely rare. Occasionally, a temporary darkening of the skin can occur (hyperpigmentation), more commonly in a dark skinned or tanned patient. This can be avoided by using the special systems for darker skin that we have at Associates in Plastic Surgery.
Temporary dark spots have occurred in less than 0.1% of patients at our office and in no case has the spotting been permanent. Lightening of skin (hypopigmentation) is even more rare. In general, laser hair removal is extremely safe when performed in the right setting.
23yr Old Mom, Extreme Breast And Abdominal Sagging, Following 50+Lbs Weight Loss. Is A Mommy Makeover Right For Me?
According to your photos and the issues you describe, I would recommend a “Mommy Makeover.” It is great that you have lost that much weight, but unfortunately the skin that sags also has loss of elasticity. That means the breast skin may not be able to hold up an implant without a lift. There are several types of lifts so possibly the incisions can be minimal in nature.
A Mommy Makeover also includes liposuction and a tummy tuck. The liposuction will get rid of the excess fat that is stored, while the tummy tuck will take care of the excess skin you have, leaving you with a much flatter stomach. The breast lift will diminish the loose skin and the saggy look. Finally, breast implants will help give your breasts a more youthful shape.
I Would Like An Eye Lift Without Using BOTOX Or Invasive Surgery. Could Sculptra Do It?
When you say eyelift, it is important to determine if the problem is extra skin over the eyelid, a droopy brow, or a combination of both. If you have primarily excess skin over the lid, then a minor surgical procedure would be needed to correct that. If the brow is droopy then BOTOX® Cosmetic can help. If you would rather not have BOTOX® or surgery, then fillers in the lateral brow area can help. These would include Sculptra, fat injection, or Radiesse. The best thing to do is to see a board certified facial plastic or plastic surgeon to discuss your options.
How Will Having Sculptra Injections In My Cheeks Change The Shape Of My Face Over Time?
Sculptra is not an overnight miracle, but it can give great results over time. Sculptra works gradually to replace collagen that is lost during the aging process, and over a series of treatments during a few months, the result can last up to two years.
The number of injections per session can vary from person to person but it averages three. Usually the peak effect is at about six months. After your initial session, you may need a touch up every couple of years, but you shouldn’t need the same amount as in the beginning. Be sure you find a physician experienced in injecting Sculptra.
Will One Treatment Of Sculptra Give Me Fuller Cheeks?
Sculptra is not a quick fix, but it gives nice results over time. Sculptra causes collagen formation, so it would be an excellent option for flat cheeks. There is an average of 3 sessions of injections over a period of 3 months or so, and the results usually last up to 2 years. It is important to consult with a physician who is trained in Sculptra injections and has performed a lot of these procedures.
Is Sculptra Right For Sunken Cheeks?
Sculptra is a great procedure if you have sunken cheeks. Sculptra is long lasting but not a quick fix. It provides results that get better over time, replacing lost collagen, and giving you a more natural looking appearance. The treatment is an average of three sessions over a few months, and the results can last up to two years.
Where Should A Breast Implant Be Placed?
Most body building/athletic women tend to have the implants placed under the muscle. This will make the breasts look more natural, rather than having them look fake and/or unusual. However, sometimes when the implant is placed under the muscle, some irregularities may be seen with movement, so it is important not to go too big. Make sure to choose an experienced, board certified plastic surgeon with whom you are comfortable to achieve the best outcome.
After Breast Implants, Are You Never Again Supposed To Work Out Your Chest Muscles?
There is no real contraindication to working out after breast augmentation. The main rule of thumb is do not do anything that hurts.
Usually, I would advise to gradually work your way into your regular routine starting 6 weeks post surgery. The contraction of the chest muscles can move the implant while you work out, which may look a little odd, but if you are well healed, then no damage should be done. Be sure to discuss your feelings openly with your plastic surgeon to make sure you guys are on the same page.
What Can I Do Before And After Having Breast Implant Surgery To Cut The Risks And Complications?
When having a breast augmentation, research about the surgery is very important so you can better understand what exactly is involved with the procedure. The most important thing is to find an experienced, board certified plastic surgeon with whom you feel comfortable. Following all of your surgeon’s instructions is also a key to reducing complications. These include stopping smoking 2 weeks before and after surgery, and stopping certain medications like blood thinners, vitamins, and herbal products. Finally, do not overexert yourself when performing daily activities after surgery.
If followed correctly these points will give you a lesser chance of experiencing complications.
When Can I Start Raising My Arms Over My Head After Breast Augmentation?
Patients typically wait about 1-2 weeks before lifting their arms above their heads after breast augmentation. The main thing to remember is don’t do anything that is uncomfortable or causes pain. You should be able to return to work in about 1-2 weeks, but lift your arms slowly at first, and return to normal as you continue to feel no discomfort. Do not lift anything at first, but after one week, you can start lifting light things and progress to heavier things as long as it does not hurt. Some tightness may still be present, but that is normal after surgery.
If wearing a sports bra is more comfortable for you then you should wear it until you feel you’re ready to switch back. Make sure to follow up with your surgeon for his opinion on when to advance your activity.
How Will Breast Implants Affect Exercise In The Long Run?
Following a proper post-op schedule, your exercising should not be affected after breast implants. Certain exercises such as bench press may move the implants in their pocket when the muscle contracts, but this has not been shown to cause contraction.
If you choose a large implant then it may be more difficult jogging or performing other weightlifting exercises. If you are a very active person, you may want to avoid a very large size, because you may be unhappy with the limitations. Speak with your plastic surgeon and let him or her know your routine and he or she will guide you in the right direction.
Is Dermabrasion Effective For Deep Acne Scars?
Dermabrasion for superficial acne scarring can be a very effective method if they are truly surface scars. Other ways to improve acne scarring are by using the Fraxel laser or by excising the scar.
The Fraxel laser rejuvenates the skin by stimulating your body’s own collagen forming process. Excising the scar is the other option. The scar is excised and sutures are placed to remove the hole in the skin and replace it with a flat line. Then, dermabrasion can smooth out the line.
Does Freezing Fat For A Second Fat Transfer Work, Or Are All The Cells Usually Dead?
Having fat injections is a great non-invasive procedure to smooth out that the nasolabial folds. Your doctor will take out your fat and then process it for your first injection and then freezer storage. Fat stays “fresh” in the freezer for one year so enough is taken out to use throughout the year.
Subsequent injections are normally done every 8-10 weeks. After each injection your fat will build up more and more to create a long lasting result, smoothing out the folds over the year. Make an appointment with your plastic surgeon to see if you are a candidate for this procedure.
Are There Any Safe Temporary Fillers For The Butt?
Unfortunately there are no FDA approved fillers designed for the buttock. Usually, more volume is needed than most injectables will give. If you don’t have enough fat to fill out your buttocks nicely, you would need a surgical procedure which may include Buttock Implants and possibly a lift.
Should I Consider Fat Injection?
The procedure of liposuctioning fat from an area and harvesting for injections into the face is a simple procedure with little down time, that gives you beautiful results. After having the first procedure, your thigh will be slightly swollen and possibly bruised. Your doctor will also inject the fat into your face at the same time and you may have minimal swelling.
Some patients may get a little bruising especially around the eyes that will diminish within a few days. Without bruising, by the next day no one should notice you had anything done. Additional injections should be done around 8-10 weeks later, with similar reactions.
Why Would A Surgeon Not Want To Perform Liposuction With An Arm Lift?
Brachioplasty is an excellent procedure if you have loose, excess skin. It reduces extra skin and fat between the underarm and elbow, and reshapes your arm to result in a smoother appearance.
Liposuction is a good choice when the skin is tighter and there is a lot of fat. Sometimes they can be done together, but you cannot be too aggressive with the liposuction when doing a brachioplasty at the same time because it is important to retain a good blood supply to the skin, which allows the incision heal as nicely as possible. In some cases the liposuction needs to be done first and then a good excision of the skin can take place. Be sure to see a board certified plastic surgeon to find out which procedure would be best.
Can I Get An Arm Lift For Wrinkly Arm Skin After Weight Loss?
When a person has lost a substantial amount of weight there tends to be a lot of loose skin on their body. Many patients have loose skin on their arms and would benefit from Brachioplasty, also called an Arm Lift. Liposuction is not a great option for loose skin unless a lot of fat is still present.
For brachioplasty, your surgeon would make an incision in the underarm area down to the elbow on the inner part of your arm, as to conceal the scar, and remove the excess skin. Then using optimal plastic surgery techniques he will close the incision line. After the healing process you should be left with a thin white line. Consult with your plastic surgeon to see if you would be a candidate for this procedure.
Do I Need To Lose Weight Before Getting An Armlift?
Brachioplasty (armlift) is a procedure designed to remove flabby and sagging skin from the upper arms, which can also help stop underarm skin rashes and irritation. Before undergoing an arm lift or any kind of body procedure, it is best to lose any weight possible before the procedure, hopefully approaching your target weight. This will allow the surgeon to remove as much loose skin as possible and give a great result. Be sure to find a board certified plastic surgeon with a lot of experience with the arms and follow their instructions.
Will Fat Come Back After Smartlipo?
If you are thinking about having a procedure to remove excess fat, Smartlipo is an excellent option. It works best for small areas and can sometimes be done under local anesthesia. The fat that is removed is permanently removed. However, if you do not maintain a healthy diet or work out regularly, the fat cells that are still present can enlarge, making it look like the fat has returned. Smartlipo when combined with a healthy lifestyle can produce wonderful results. Be sure to discuss your feelings with your board certified plastic surgeon.
How Long Do I Need To Wear A Compression Garment After Smartlipo?
After having smart liposuction surgery, compression garments should be worn for at least 3-6 weeks. The compression garments apply pressure to the areas that were focused on and help the skin to tighten. Wearing the garment reduces swelling, and lessens the chance of severe bruising. Some patients do fine with only wearing the garment for a week, but to give yourself the best chance of having great results, you should wear it as much as you can for the six weeks.
Is Liposuction Required For An Arm Lift?
Liposuction is a surgical procedure that removes fat from a specific area of the body. Unlike liposuction, brachioplasty reduces excess skin, and reshapes your arm to a more toned appearance. Since you are considering having an arm lift done, liposuction can be done at the same time if needed. The best way to know what you need for sure is to see a board certified plastic surgeon.
How Can I Eliminate Excess Skin In My Arms?
Some patients after having liposuction, in any area, may experience sagging due to poor skin elasticity. Skin on the upper arms is thin, so it is possible to see it post operatively after liposuction because it doesn’t contract as well. If there is enough skin to be removed, then a Brachioplasty may be needed. A brachioplasty is when an incision is made from the under arm area down to the elbow and the excess skin is removed. After healing you are left with a faint line on your inner arm and a slimmer upper arm area. Consult with your plastic surgeon to see if you are a candidate.
I Have A Fatty Mons Pubis And I’m Considering Lipo. Are There Sexual Complications To A Procedure Like This?
Liposuction for a fatty mons pubis would be a perfect solution to get rid of unwanted fat. This procedure can be performed under local anesthesia with little or no down time. There are no serious risks involved, except for maybe some swelling and soreness. Your sexual capabilities will not be affected as a result of the surgery. I would try to get to your target weight before the procedure. Make an appointment with a board certified plastic surgeon to discuss your options and concerns.
Heat Or Ice For Liposuction Swelling?
If ice or heat makes you feel better, then you can use them, but they will not really help with the swelling. Patients are usually given a garment to wear which will help reduce swelling over time and encourage skin contraction. Patience is important because it will take some time to subside. Continue to follow your post op instructions and wear your garment as directed.
What Can Smartlipo Do For My Arms?
Smartlipo is an excellent procedure for your upper arms. Smartlipo is meant for smaller areas of the body that need contouring so I can’t say you can just take off 2 inches without examining you, but you should have a great improvement. You will have no scarring with this procedure. Smart lipo usually ranges anywhere from $3,500 and up, depending on the areas. To get a full price and specific details be sure to discuss your options with your plastic surgeon.
Should I Get Smartlipo For A Second Time On Lower Abs, Or Get A Mini-Tummy Tuck?
You have great postoperative results but the lower abdominal area often times requires a tummy tuck to tighten the muscles and remove excess skin. Only an exam by a board certified plastic surgeon could let you know exactly what needs to be done.
How Soon Can I Tan After Liposuction?
Healing after liposuction usually doesn’t take much time. In general it may take less than a week until you may return to work and other daily activities, depending on the extent of the surgery. As for tanning, even though as a physician I can’t advocate it, it’s better to wait two weeks after surgery or until all the bruising is gone. Also, you need to cover the incisions from the liposuction for a few weeks while tanning to help with healing and to decrease redness.
What Can Liposuction Do For Fat Above The Pubic Area?
Liposuction can definitely improve the area you are concerned with. There are no major vessel or nerves in the subcutaneous skin of that area so it is very safe. At the same time, an abdominoplasty could improve the excess skin and fat of the tummy and give a great overall result. Providing you are in good health, you should be a candidate for both procedures.
Swelling, Bruising And Uneven Shaped Cheeks And Chin After Radiesse?
It is perfectly normal for some patients to experience swelling and bruising after a Radiesse injection while other patients may have none at all. Most swelling subsides in 24-36 hours after the injection but if a small hematoma was created it may take a week or so.
Unfortunately there is no great way to speed up the healing. If you keep your head elevated and use cold compresses that can improve things quicker. You may also notice some redness, and possibly some tenderness at the injection site. Be sure to stay in contact with your physician for any continued concerns.
What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of An Allergic Reaction To Radiesse?
An allergic reaction to a Radiesse injection does not occur because it is not a reactive substance and is truly biocompatible. There are, however, possible side effects that can occur. These side effects include swelling, bruising, mild irritation and redness (that may look like an allergic reaction), and tenderness.
Rarely, if the Radiesse is injected into a blood vessel, it can cause significant problems with the skin in that area. However, if the injector is performing the procedure properly, this should occur very rarely. When doing this procedure, make sure to find an experienced physician who injects fillers on a regular basis. If done correctly, the results should be excellent.
Radiesse In The Nose?
Using Radiesse to adjust the results of a rhinoplasty can be done effectively if performed by a knowledgeable rhinoplasty surgeon. Injecting small amounts of Radiesse into the nasal area to plump up the indented area, is a cost effective and less invasive method to fix the problem area.
The cost of a Radiesse injection to the nose is about $1,000 in comparison to about $7,000 to $10,000 for rhinoplasty. Radiesse is approved by the FDA for injecting into facial wrinkles, and it can be used as an off-label injection for the nose. Silicone may also be used for small indentations. Consult your facial plastic surgeon to see your best options.
Is Nasolabial Bruising Common After Radiesse?
While uncommon, swelling and bruising are a perfectly normal reaction when having Radiesse injections. The swelling is usually minimal and subsides within 24-36 hours. Bruising, however can take a few days, depending on how quickly it resolves. If your bruising and swelling does not subside in a week, be sure to make an appointment with your surgeon to discuss your options.
Is Smartlipo Right For My Arms?
Smartlipo is an excellent procedure for your upper arms. Smartlipo is meant for smaller areas of the body that need contouring so I can’t say you can just take off 2 inches without examining you, but you should have a great improvement. You will have no scarring with this procedure. Smart lipo usually ranges anywhere from $3,500 and up, depending on the areas. To get a full price and specific details be sure to discuss your options with your plastic surgeon.
Will A Cheeklift Or Filler In The Cheek Improve Eye Hollows?
Fat injection is excellent for hollowing around the eyes. It is very simple to go through under local anesthesia and can be very long lasting. Surgery is often performed in combination with fat injection.
A Cheeklift can lift the cheek tissues which can also improve the appearance of hollowing and usually works great in combination with fat injection. Be sure to see a board certified facial plastic surgeon for a complete evaluation.
What Brow Lift Options Are Just As Effective As A Face Lift To Get Rid Of Droopy Eyelids?
When evaluating droopy eyelids, it is important to determine if the problem is excess skin on the upper eyelids, a droopy brow, or both. If the problem is simply lines on your forehead, I would suggest BOTOX® to give a smooth appearance. For excess skin on the upper lid, a blepharoplasty would freshen the lids nicely, while a browlift would be performed for a droopy brow. They can both be performed at the same time if necessary.
BOTOX® can give a little lift of the eyebrows, but the surgery gives a better result. A facelift will do nothing for the brow or upper lids. Be sure to discuss your concerns with a board certified facial plastic or plastic surgeon.
For How Long Do I Have To Use A Sunscreen On My Upper Eyelid Surgery Scars?
Care is needed with your blepharoplasty incision because it is a very sensitive area. Following a blepharoplasty, sunscreen is very important because the sun can make the incision more red or dark in color, which can take several months to resolve. You should apply it frequently on your upper eye lids for a period of 6 months after surgery.
Severe Neurological Symptoms After Juvederm: What Can I Do?
Juvederm™ injections would be highly unlikely to result in neurological symptoms. The substance is totally natural and doesn’t affect the nerves. There are possible side effects that can occur such as bruising, and even skin problems such as skin loss in an extreme situation, but not what you are describing. Seeing an additional physician is mandatory, and further testing will be required so a diagnosis can be indentified. Make an appointment immediately to continue your evaluation, but these symptoms would not due to the Juvederm.
Compared To Other Fillers, What Are The Pros And Cons Of Juvederm?
Juvederm™ is a great filler, but there are other procedures that can be done. Radiesse is another injectable that is used to fill in the nasolabial folds that typically lasts about 12 months, while Juvederm™ lasts about 8 months. Fat harvest and injection, using your own fat, may give a more permanent result. All of the procedures will give you immediate results. Contact your facial plastic surgeon to discuss these options with him.
Juvederm™ Lip Injections – 3 Days Later, Barely A Difference?
Juvederm™ results last anywhere from six to nine months. The results are usually natural, and seen immediately. Your body absorbs the hyaluronic acid over time so the injections must be repeated periodically to maintain the refreshed look.
Your results definitely show enhancement, but it is important to remember that the most important part of the plastic surgery process is communication. Therefore it is vital that you go back to see your plastic surgeon and communicate your desires, and let him see if more filler is needed.
I Had A Facelift 4 Years Ago And Don’t Want Another One, What Can I Do To Help Sagging?
A key thing to understand is that as a person ages, volume is lost in the face. That contributes to things such as jowling or folds around the mouth. So instead of surgery, if you do things to restore the volume then you can look rejuvenated.
Alternative options instead of a facelift to treat the jowl area are injectables such as Juvederm™ and Radiesse. These are an affordable, noninvasive temporary solution. Another possibility is fat injections.
Injecting fat is a minor procedure that is easy to go through under local anesthesia to harvest the fat, usually from the upper thigh area. The fat is then injected into the nasal labial folds, and is built up over a period of a year.
You also might be a great candidate for Sculptra. Sculptra works by a series of injections over time that stimulates your body’s own collagen production.
What Can I Do About Small, Thin Lips?
Juvederm is normally used to “plump” up your lips and can last approximately six months. It gives a natural appearance and is easy to go through. Silcone can also be used, however you will need multiple sessions to achieve the look you want, because only a little at a time can be injected. After you achieve a nice result with silicone, the result can be permanent.
How Soon After Rhinoplasty Can I Try For Pregnancy? I Had My Surgery 2 Weeks Ago Exactly.
The “wait time” to get pregnant following a rhinoplasty solely depends on your healing process and your medications. Most surgeons prescribe pain medication and an antibiotic which are two strong medications that should not be in your system if you are trying to get pregnant. When you are finished with your medications, I would wait an additional week and then you should be ready to go. Also, you can always check with your obstetrician for another opinion.
What Causes Fluctuations In Swelling After Rhinoplasty?
Fluctuations in swelling after rhinoplasty are to be expected and are completely normal. Swelling can last for up to a year, but you can have periods during that year when it looks great, and then after sleeping at night it can swell again. The drainage pathways of the nasal skin have to reestablish themselves and that can take months.
Massaging the nose is a key element in the recovery period which helps reduce the swelling and will speed up your healing progress. Definitely continue to do all the things mentioned and follow up with your surgeon for a post operative visit.
Rhinoplasty 4 Days Ago – Why Would One Of My Nostrils Be So Much Smaller Than The Other?
Since surgery was only performed 4 days ago, it is too soon to be concerned with the appearance of your results. One nostril may look smaller than the other, because one is more swollen. Also, the cast or dressing may be compressing it in a way that makes it look different, and when the cast is taken off, the nostril may return to normal. Ultimately, swelling can be present for several months, but be sure to discuss your concerns with your surgeon as soon as possible.
Can I Have Oral Sedation For A Rhinoplasty Or Is Anesthesia My Only Option?
IV sedation during a rhinoplasty is usually not the recommendation of most plastic surgeons. With general anesthesia the airway is protected from any blood that may drip down the back of the throat. Also, you will be in a relaxing state of sleep, so you won’t feel anything that is happening during surgery. When you wake up it will all over and you won’t remember a thing. With IV sedation, you may move some which could disrupt surgery and you may start coughing which could endanger the airway. Safety is always very important, so discuss your options with your board certified facial plastic surgeon.
Is Swelling 2 Months Post-Op Normal After Rhinoplasty?
Swelling after rhinoplasty should be expected, and is normal. You will start noticing a change in the shape of your nose right after surgery, but it may take a few weeks for some of the swelling to subside. After the surgery it could take several months to one year for all of the swelling to go down and to see the final result of the surgery. Be sure to discuss your concerns with your surgeon.
Bad Smell After Nose Surgery – Is It An Infection?
Smoking is not advisable before any surgery because it can can slow down your healing process, but it generally will not cause a strange odor. Sutures themselves do not cause an odor, but sometimes they can attract crust which can cause an odor. Crusting is perfectly normal 3 weeks after rhinoplasty and can cause a strange odor up to two months after surgery. Infections are rare in the nose, but I would call your surgeon to make an appointment so he can examine you and answer any questions you may have.
Can I Work Outdoors After A Rhinoplasty If I Use Sunscreen?
Applying sunscreen to the nose is necessary after rhinoplasty as your nose will be more sensitive to the sun after surgery. As long as it is used faithfully, no permanent damage should occur to the nose. Make sure to especially cover the incision site, because the sun can cause skin discoloration. Since it has only been three weeks since your surgery, you still need to be careful regarding strenuous activities. You can work out and run, but you don’t want to be in a situation where the nose can get hit – that could cause permanent damage. It is always wise to check with your surgeon if you have any questions concerning your surgery.
I Play Violent Sports. Is A Nose Job Right For Me?
I would recommend holding off on the rhinoplasty until you are less active. After rhinoplasty, the bones heal with close to normal strength, but if you got hit directly you could certainly fracture it again. Then you would require the time off and expense of having the surgery performed again. If you seek out a board certified facial plastic surgeon or a plastic surgeon who specializes in rhinoplasty, your chances of having a bad nose job will be low.
A mini tummy tuck is a good procedure to remove loose, saggy skin underneath your naval, and also will improve stretch marks. The length of the incision involved in a mini tummy tuck will depend of the amount of skin that needs to be removed but still has moderate length to it.
The incision is smaller than the full Tummy Tuck, but the important thing is the position of the scar and the manner in which the procedure is performed. A full tummy tuck will give a better overall result and if the incision is placed within the bikini line and heals great, you will be happy. However, the mini tummy tuck is still an excellent option if you are the right candidate because you will not need to reposition the belly button. Be sure to see a board certified plastic surgeon to determine which procedure is better for you.
Post-Pregnancy With Lower Abdominal Saggy Skin – Mini Tummy Tuck Or Full Tummy Tuck?
The mini tummy tuck is an excellent option for people who have a small amount of lower abdominal skin to be removed. Unlike traditional tummy tuck, the surgeon does not have to reposition the naval during mini tummy tuck, and the incision is not as big. However, after pregnancy, the abdominal muscles often become weak and full tummy tuck would be needed to tighten and flatten your abdomen completely. To determine which procedure is best in your situation, you need to first see a board certified plastic surgeon for a complete examination.
Hello, I Am 34 Years Old, A Mother Of Two Children, Both Delivered With A C-Section. Is A Tummy Tuck Right For Me?
Many patients after child bearing would benefit from an abdominoplasty. Having children tends to stretch out your abdominal muscles and can leave your with skin laxity. If you have tried to lose the weight and can not do so an abdominoplasty can still be performed with great results, but these results would be optimized by losing weight first. Some patients may undergo liposuction to their abdomen first and then have abdominoplasty done 6 weeks later. I would make an appointment with your plastic surgeon to discuss your options.
Mini Or Full Tummy Tuck After Pregnancy?
To determine whether you need a full tummy tuck or mini tummy tuck, you really need to have a consultation with a plastic surgeon. If you do not have a lot of loose skin then you might only need a mini tummy tuck. Mini tummy tuck is performed on patients who require only minimal skin and fat removal below the belly button. The procedure requires a shorter abdominal incision and the belly button does not need to be repositioned. Meanwhile a full tummy tuck is for people with a lot of skin to be removed and muscle that needs to be tightened, and does.
Am I A Good Candidate For A Full Tummy Tuck?
Judging simply by the pictures, you are an excellent candidate for a tummy tuck. Ideally, you would like to be finished having children so you can have the procedure once and be done. You should also lose as much weight as possible and be medically healthy. The excess skin you have would be nicely smoothed by the procedure. I would also recommend liposuction of the hips along with the tummy tuck when the time comes to improve your overall contour.

Speak with your plastic surgeon and let him know your routine and he will guide you in the right direction. For a free consultation with the dedicated physicians at Associates in Plastic Surgery, please call 732-548-3200 or contact us online.